Thursday, October 3, 2013

Jason Vale's "The Funky Fresh Juice Book" Giveaway!

I am giving away a copy of Jason Vale's "The Funky Fresh Juice Book"! How can I win, you may ask?

Here are the steps involved:
  1. Like my Facebook Page, and
  2. Post a picture on Facebook of a juice or smoothie you have made with the recipe
  3. This giveaway closes on 9th October
 So get busy sharing your pictures and recipes on my Facebook page! 

As some of you may know I am currently studying with Jason Vale to become a Natural Juice Therapist and I absolutely love him! He is simply amazing, his energy and passion to make this world a healthier and juicier place. Here is a video so that you get to enjoy Jason as well:

Please start sharing your recipes on my Facebook page so that we can all inspire each other to lead happier and healthier lifestyles!

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