Friday, December 2, 2011

Green Smoothie 14 Day Challenge Update

So I am well over the 14 days I committed to consuming a green smoothie each day. I thought it would be well worth while to tell you that my energy levels have increased significantly and I love it that much that I still keep consuming a minimum of one smoothie or sometimes even two a day.

I did a bit of research to find out more as to why green smoothies over time give you more energy and this is why:
  • Because the ingredients are blended up, the body can access the nutrients in the blended fruits and vegetables easier resulting in better health
  • Green smoothies still contain fiber and therefore will keep you feeling fuller for longer
  • Chlorophyll = Energy. Therefore the chlorophyll contained in the greens in the smoothies will give you more energy and ensure that you consume sufficient amounts of greens (if you have a minimum of 2-3 cups of green smoothie each day).
Today I had a Chocolate Green Smoothie
I found this recipe Jo's blog and love the raw cacao powder in it. If you are not used to the taste of green smoothies then this is perfect for you because you literally cannot taste the greens. You are drinking a thick and nutritious chocolate smoothie! Amazing recipe and so good for you; give it a shot and let me know what you think! Plus whenever I have it it keeps me going all morning it is so filling!

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