Sunday, October 30, 2011

Aloe "Green" Smoothie

Yesterday I made the decision for the next 14 days to consume one green smoothie a day to make a massive impact on my health. I have previously done this and you just feel amazing! There is simply no words to describe how much energy I had, which even my hubby noticed and pointed out. When he was already tired, I was still full of energy and going. If you want to find out more about Green Smoothies and all the health benefits and what they can do for your health I strongly recommend you read "Green for Life" by Victoria Boutenko. The important thing to remember with green smoothies is to rotate your greens and include a variety so that you will gain the best health benefit from consuming them. A lot of people think that green smoothies must taste horrible because most of them have a green colour; however because you also include sweet delicious fruit I loved the taste!

For today I tried something a little unusual: an Aloe Vera Green Smoothie because I found a video by Anthony Anderson where he made a similar smoothie however I changed some of the ingredients in order to make it suitable to what I currently have at home.

What you need
  • 1-2 aloe vera leave (filleted so carefully take the skin off so that you only include the flesh in the smoothie). I used some from the plant I have in my garden
  • 1 small handfull of sunflower seeds
  • 1 handful of raspberries
  • 1 handful of mangos
  • about a glass of filtered water (slowly add this until you get the consistency that you like)
I blended all of the above in my thermomix on speed 10 for about a minute. If you don't have a thermomix blend it in the blender until smooth.

I also did some research online to find out what some people believe the health benefits are of consuming aloe vera. Apparently it is so rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes that it can help with cancer, cholesterol, inflammation, kidney stones, stabilising the sugar levels, candida, aids recovery and is great for the skin and hair. Pretty much a superfood! So if you have a aloe vera plant or know of someone that has one try out this recipe! I loved it very much and will be making it again for sure.

To find out more about aloe vera and its health benefits please head to this Natural News Website.

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