Day 8 of the Master Cleanse! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel or at least it is nearing. I have to say today was a tough day. Honestly I really felt like food today. It wasn't that I was hungry but seeing all these delicious goodies walking past me or passing my way. The universe has a funny way at times.
I am still very sore from this aerial class I tried on Monday night and haven't been able to go back to my Amanda Russell workouts. I have decided to do some rebounding later tonight to get my body moving though and it should hopefully loosen up my arms also in a more gentle way.
I also finished reading Lorna Jane's first book "Move Nourish Believe" late last night. In her book she writes about how she started her business Lorna Jane and all the challenges she conquered. Plus she goes through what gives her all the energy she has so that she can achieve her goals. All of this relates to her motto Move Nourish Believe and covers exercise, healthy nutrition and a very important one: believing in yourself. I would recommend this book to anyone that needs a little inspiration or motivation. She encourages you to aim for the stars and create the life of your dreams. All the gorgeous quotes and inspirational sayings plus of course the wonderful pictures make this a very special book that could maybe even change the way you look at life. For anyone that is interested you can order Lorna's book at her website and I have also seen them on eBay. Definitely a wonderful addition to any library!
I am off to do some rebounding now. Talk to you tomorrow.
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